Hoi An Travel

Phuoc Lam Pagoda

Address: Trang Keo Commune hamlet, Cam Ha, Hoi An, Tel: (0510) 862310
Phuoc Lam Pagoda is located in Cam ha Village, Hoi An Town. The pagoda was built in the late 17th century and founded by Monk Thiet Dinh. This pagoda was designed according to the shaped precinct, including many building items: three-door temple gate, yard, sanctuary, accommodation houses, etc and two bell-towers were built very firmly in the two sides of the pagoda. Currently, many valuable antiques (antique, statues, Buddhist, wooden-carved praying books) have been preserved in the sanctuary of the pagoda. The pagoda was granted the Certificate of National Historic Cultural Relic on 29th November 1991.